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What is the GMF1 Fixed Blade Knife from GiantMouse Knives?

The GiantMouse GMF1 is a handy and lightweight knife with a robust impact and all the blade capacity you require in most everyday carrying situations. Each GMF1 is accompanied by a leather sheath that was individually crafted by Ansø and Vox only for this knife, and it is currently being produced without limitation.

Their goal when creating the GiantMouse GMF1 was to make a tiny but ergonomic utility fixed blade. We wanted it to be a contender for your everyday carry. It’s light, small, and effective and has enough blade for most daily tasks. Each one comes with a leather holster crafted exclusively for it by Ansø and Vox.

GiantMouse GMF1


The GiantMouse GMF1 has a unique feature. It is tiny, with a sheepsfoot blade and a grip that can be held with three fingers. It has the jimping in the precise locations and if you attach a paracord lanyard, your pinky can be included in the operation too. They do not offer choices for scales or a kydex sheath, but if you do an extensive search on the internet, you can find some from third-party suppliers. You can have the same design with either 4mm thick Elmax or N690 steel, however, the The GiantMouse GMF1-F is provided in 5mm of M390. M390 is a superior type of knife steel. It preserves its sharpness for a lengthy period, is resistant to corrosion and is very durable. The downside is that it could be difficult to sharpen.

The GiantMouse GMF1 and other The GiantMouse GMF Knives for Sale

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Last Updated on December 30, 2024