What is the Umnumzaan Folder from Chris Reeve? Chris Reeve Knives of Boise, Idaho designed the Chris Reeve Umnumzaan, a folding pocket knife. The Umnumzaan has a unique take on the Chris Reeve Integral Lock, which was first utilized in the Sebenza folding pocket knife...
Chris Reeve Inkosi Review and Prices
What is the Inkosi Knives from Chris Reeve? The Chris Reeve Inkosi is a high-performance folding knife designed to excel in durability, functionality, and comfort. The Chris Reeve Incosi Knife is is constructed with the highest-quality materials, designed with...
Chris Reeve Sebenza 31 in Stock
What is a Sebenza 31 knife? The Sebenza 31 from Rick Reeve has been around for more than 30 years. It is often referred to as the benchmark for EDC knives. Being a classic, the Sebenza 31's simple lines, perfect fit and finish makes it very popular and certainly...